Fix “This PC can’t run Windows 11” error in VirtualBox

I was trying to install the latest public build of Windows 11 on VirtualBox, but after choosing what version of Windows 11 to install I got the “This PC can’t run Windows 11” error!

“This PC can’t run Windows 11” error when installing it in VirtualBox

I had already tried the preview version of Windows 11 on VirtualBox with no issues, but apparently Microsoft has recently enabled the TPM and SecureBoot requirement for installing Windows 11 on VM environments too. So after some research I found a workaround that fixes the issue.

Press SHFT-F10 key to open CMD prompt, then start REGEDIT from the command window

Navigate to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup” and add new key “LabConfig”

Add the following 3 new 32-bit DWORD values under the LabConfig:

  • BypassTPMCheck – set Value = 1
  • BypassRAMCheck – set Value = 1
  • BypassSecureBootCheck – set Value = 1

Type Exit to end the CMD window. Then press the back arrow button (upper left-hand side of the error message) and choose the version to install again. Now click Next and you should no longer see the error. Instead you’ll be presented with the windows to accept Microsoft’s terms.